About ISM

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(ISM) is a public institution, subordinated to the Ministry of Economy, and aims to carry out the national standardization policy in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 20 of 04.03.2016 on national standardization. The organization and functioning of the ISM are regulated by the Organization and Functioning Regulation of the Moldovan Institute for Standardization, approved by the Government Decision no. 996 of 27 December 2012 on some measures to reform the system.

ISM's mission is to help increase the competitiveness of the national economy, increase sustainable population welfare and increase sustainable resource use. The mission of ISM is achieved through the adoption of European and international standards, the promotion of standards and standardization.

The vision of ISM is to present ourselves as a modern, dynamic, state-of-the-art national standardization body with a style of activity based on:

- a strong institutional culture;

- high professional competence;

- application of modern IT tools;

- efficient and transparent processes and procedures.

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