Standard domains
Generalities. Standardization.Natural and applied sciences

Here you can find all the publications on standardization such as: vocabulary, symbols and units, as well as standards for natural and applied sciences: mathematics, astronomy, physics, technical design, etc.

Metrology and measurement.Testing

In this category you will find all publications on physical phenomena, metrology and measurement, as well as standards about testing.

Services. Company organization, management and quality

Here you will find all the publications on organization of work, management and quality as well as sociology and administration.

Agriculture.Food technology

Here you will find all publications in the field of agriculture and food technology such as beekeeping, fish farming, agricultural machinery, milk technology, oils, food additives etc. .

Transport. Materials handling equipment

In this section you will find standards for road, sea and air transport. You will also find the appropriate standards for the materials handling equipment.

Medicine. Protection of the environment and health

Here you can find national, european and international standards about environmental safety and health protection, as well as standards for medicine and medical equipments.

Energy and transmission of heat

Here you'll find all publications in the fields of energy and heat transfer and energy efficiency, internal combustion engines, hydrogen technology, heat pumps etc.

Information technology and telecommunications

Here you can find all the publications in the IT, telecommunication, information security and imaging technology.

Construction and building materials.Civil buildings

In this category you will find all publications in the fields of construction and building materials as well as civil constructions.

Entertainment. Sports.Body care equipment

In this category you will find all publications in the fields of entertainment and sports as well body care equipment.

Engineering and manufacturing techniques

Systems and components for general use, manufacturing techniques, fluid systems and general purpose components, etc.

Ores and Metallurgy. Oil industry

Here you will find all the publications on mines and minerals, metallurgy, petroleum industry.

Chemical industry. Wood industry, glass and ceramics industry, rubber and plastics industry, paper industry

Here you will find all the standards about chemical industry as well as: wood, glass, ceramics, rubber, plastics, paper industry

Light industry. Packaging and distribution of goods.

Here you will find all the published standards for the textile and leather industry, clothing industry as well as packaging and distribution standards.

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