SM SR ISO 10013:2003
Guidelines for developing quality manuals.
Additional notes
: Sigla SM se modifica in sigla SM SR - Hotarirea Serviciului Standardizare si Metrologie al RM nr.1710-ST din 08.06.2005
Anulat prin Hotărârea Institutului Naţional de Standardizare şi Metrologie nr.507-ST din 14.02.2011 (BS/4-2011)
- Statute : Withdrawn
- Effective date : 15.04.2003
- Is valid? : No
- Terms of validity : 01.07.2011
- Available in : Romanian
- Pages : 24

Classification of the standard
- ICS code
- Name
- 03.120.10
- Quality management and quality assurance
Link between documents
- Link type
- Notation
- Replaced by
- SM SR ISO/TR 10013:2011
- IDT-identical international
- ISO 10013:1995
- IDT - Identical Romanian
- SR ISO 10013:1997